LogicLumini Studios Wiki Help

PlaceholderAPI support

If you have PlaceholderAPI installed you can use the following placeholders:

  • %anturniaquests_questscompleted% - This placeholder shows the player how many quests he already completed in total.

  • %anturniaquests_quest_<questID>% - This placeholder shows the player how often he already completed the quest with the id <questID>.

  • %anturniaquests_killedentities% - This placeholder shows the player how many entities he already killed.

  • %anturniaquests_killedentities_<entityID>% - This placeholder shows the player how many entities of the type <entityID> he killed, you can find a list of valid entity id's here: https://logic-wiki.anturnia.net/minecraft-stuff#entities.

Last modified: 19 September 2024