LogicLumini Studios Wiki Help



  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Description: Enables or disables support for CloudNet, a server management tool. If set to true, specific features such as lobby switching via CloudNet will be enabled.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 4

  • Description: Defines the default slot in the player's hotbar where special items (like the teleporter) will appear when joining the server.

Spawn Configuration (spawn)


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: true

  • Description: Automatically teleports the player to the spawn location when they join the server.


  • Type: Array [x, y, z]

  • Default: [0, 80, 0]

  • Description: The coordinates where players will spawn when they join.


  • Type: String

  • Default: "world"

  • Description: The name of the world where the player will be teleported on join.

yaw, pitch

  • Type: Float

  • Default: 0

  • Description: The yaw (horizontal rotation) and pitch (vertical rotation) for player orientation upon teleporting.

Items Configuration (items)

This section defines the items that will be available in the player's hotbar.

Item Properties

  • id: Unique identifier for the item.

  • friendlyName: The display name of the item, supporting color codes (e.g., "&2Teleporter").

  • material: The type of material the item is made of (e.g., "COMPASS", "BOW", "NETHER_STAR").

  • slot: The hotbar slot where the item will appear.

  • menu: (Optional) The menu associated with the item (e.g., "TELEPORTER", "LOBBYSWITCHER").

  • type: (Optional) Specific type of item (e.g., "TELEPORT_BOW", "PLAYER_HIDER").

Example Items

  • teleporter

    • A compass used for teleportation, placed in slot 4.

  • lobbyswitcher

    • A Nether Star that allows switching between lobbies, placed in slot 5.

  • teleportbow

    • A bow used for teleportation, placed in slot 6. The associated arrow (teleportArrow) is placed in slot 17.

  • playerhider

    • A Player Hider tool that toggles between showing and hiding players, placed in slot 8.

Lobby Switcher (lobbySwitcher)

This section controls the lobby switching functionality, including the inventory layout and server list.


  • Type: Object

    • type: String

    • item: Object

      • material: String (e.g., "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE")

  • Description: Specifies a placeholder item used to fill empty slots in the lobby menu.


  • Types:


    • NORMAL

    • EMPTY


  • Material: Sets the material for each type of lobby status.


  • Type: List

  • Description: Defines the available lobbies. Each lobby has an id, name, serverName, and a description template with placeholders for player count and status.

Teleporter Menu (teleporter)

This section configures the server teleportation menu.


  • Type: Integer

  • Default: 5

  • Description: Defines the number of rows in the teleporter menu inventory.


  • Type: List

  • Description: Configures the list of teleportable servers with specific items, descriptions, and slots.

  • Example Server Configurations:

    • oneblock: A OneBlock server with a custom Player Head texture, displayed in slot 13.

    • pvp: A PVP server, with a glowing Diamond Sword item in slot 19.

    • potionWars: A Potion Wars server with a potion item in slot 25.

    • helmetWars: A Helmet Wars server with a leather helmet in slot 31.

    • spawn: A spawn teleportation option with a beacon in slot 44.

Events (events)

This section controls various game mechanics that affect player interaction.

Event Options

  • noDamage: Disables player damage.

  • noHunger: Disables hunger depletion.

  • noBlockBreak: Prevents players from breaking blocks.

  • noBlockPlace: Prevents players from placing blocks.

  • noItemDrop: Disables item dropping.

  • noItemPickup: Prevents players from picking up items.

  • noItemCraft: Disables crafting.

  • noItemConsume: Prevents item consumption.

  • noEntityDamage: Disables entity damage.

  • noEntitySpawn: Prevents entity spawning.

  • lowestY: Sets the lowest Y-coordinate where players can go before death occurs.

  • joinGamemode: Sets the gamemode on join. Set it to null to disable.

Database (database)

This section configures the database connection used for storing player and lobby data.

Database Options

  • type: The type of database being used. Supports "sqlite" and "mysql".

  • host: The hostname of the database server.

  • port: The port to connect to the database.

  • database: The name of the database to connect to.

  • username: The username for database authentication.

  • password: The password for database authentication.

Last modified: 19 September 2024