LogicLumini Studios Wiki Help


User commands

  • /quests: Open the ingame quest menu

  • /quests version: Get the currently installed version of AnturniaQuests

  • /quests help: Get the help message

Admin commands

  • /quests reload: Reload the plugin configs

  • /quests iteminfo: Gives you information about the item in your main hand, e.g. lore and name that can be used in configs.

    Quests iteminfo command example 1
  • /quests reset <player> [questID]: Reset the quest completions for the player <player> for the quest with the id <questID>

  • /quests storylines reset <playerName> [storylineID]: Resets the completion count of the player <player> for a storyline <storylineID>

  • /quests create <questID>: Create a new quest.

  • /quests edit <questID>: Edit a quest.

Last modified: 19 September 2024